It takes Honor and Courage to live a Life worthy of Freedom. Freedom awards us Grace and Mercy at all times. We have the Power to Succeed and Attract everything we Seek. Life affords us the opportunity to be Inspired to our Greatest Potential. This is my Code of Honor. This is my Truth. This is my Life…and so this is my Courage each day…Free to be

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Learning how to live...

I got my results back on Module One on Teaching English as Foreign Language. I didn’t get the A+ I wanted but I did get an A-. I am very happy. I got great feedback. This is exactly what I needed to get my head in gear to study. The trip to Manali has been delayed so this gives me time to work on the 2nd Module. I’m half way there and now I know what they expect from me so I can put that little bit extra in my answers.

I’m in my 4th week in India. You travel to a foreign country with different customs and different way of life and no one tells you how to do anything. Well, for 3 weeks no one said anything but I finally told people that I figured out how to take a bath with a 15 liter water heater. You fill the bucket with hot water. The water is scolding hot. If you take a shower it lasts only 3 to maybe 5 minutes so there isn’t much time. With the bucket of hot water there, I put a plastic bag over it to keep it hot. I wait 5 minutes for the hot water heater to heat back up again. Then I shower quickly. THEN, I take the small bucket and dip it in the big bucket and slowly pour it over me. I do this especially on my neck. By the time I empty the big bucket I’m relaxed. If needed, the hot water will have been heated up again and I could do it for hours. Primitive, yes, relaxing, sort of, none the less, I accept this and know that in due time I will enjoy completely.

I started eating with my right hand. Now….not only is this foreign to me but I’m left handed (well discuss that later). I’ve watched people eat with their right hand only, no use of left hand and I finally made the plunge. I have a ways to go, but I am comfortable enough to spill food on myself and make people laugh. Last night I was taught how to eat fish. Not only did I eat with my right hand only, I managed to eat the tail, pull the meat off and eat the head of the fish. I’ve never eaten a tail or head before and all I could think of is the people on “Fear Factor” eating live things, surely I can eat this. It was actually tasty and fulfilling.

As the days go by I realize I am not visiting and I have to adjust to the customs in India. The toilet has been my biggest fear. All I will say is I am officially an Indian in toilet etiquette. I will not be using my left hand for eating anymore.

Life is peculiar. I’m 50 years old and I’m being taught how to live all over again. This unusual time in my life is especially enigmatic. I never know what will come next. There is no daily routine yet. Each day I make attempts to say names correctly. I make the effort to say 2 things in Bengali. Aami Bangla jaani ne. I don’t know Bengali! How’s that for progress. Hehehehehe I’m beginning to see familiar faces each day as I take walks. I looked at flats today. One I liked the floor plan but the location wasn’t exactly right. Too bad, I hope I find one soon. This weighs heavy on my mind knowing I have a crate arriving soon with no place to put it.

I had breakfast today with Auntie. I’m not sure what it’s called but we had bread that was very thin and puffed - looked like a hollow dinner roll with veggies that were mildly spiced. Very delicious. Of course I’ve given 5 of these breads and wonder how will I eat all of them. I managed to eat 4. Auntie watches a Bengali soap opera. It was on so she gave me the scoop on the characters. Auntie gave me a lovely necklace and earrings to match. Chandana and Auntie smiled so big as I put on the earrings. It was a sweet, tender moment I will cherish in my heart of hearts.

People ask each other if they are happy every day. Not only do they ask once they ask during the day. This is another foreign custom. People in USA do not ask such questions. It is nice to be asked ‘are you happy?’ I was Skyping with my sister, Liz and told her this and asked her when the last time someone asked her ‘are you happy’ and she had to think. I will ask each time we talk because it is important to realize your feelings. Especially if you are happy, gee-whiz, I’m happy!!! Yaya

I realize that without trials and tribulations one cannot resign oneself to God and depend on Him absolutely. This new life in India is healing, recreating, and inspiring my divine love for all life. I am grateful and humbled by His awesome strength to pull me up and lift me higher and higher to His glorious heart.

(post note)
This afternoon I went to see if Auntie wanted company. I ended up taking a nap with her and had blissful dreams. I woke up and had chai then studied. The Roy's got their car so we celebrated with Chinese food. The one time I eat with my hands they insist I eat with a fork...go figure. I'm still learning...

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hmmmm...I'm a Southern Belle from Alabama, USA. Moved around alot and ended up on the other side of the world in India. My heart is blooming each moment in time. I feel God's love more with each breath. I sweetly surrender to my love. If you are interested in any of my paintings, drawings or photos, please let me know. I have a paypal account.

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