It takes Honor and Courage to live a Life worthy of Freedom. Freedom awards us Grace and Mercy at all times. We have the Power to Succeed and Attract everything we Seek. Life affords us the opportunity to be Inspired to our Greatest Potential. This is my Code of Honor. This is my Truth. This is my Life…and so this is my Courage each day…Free to be

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another day in Paradise

Proverbs 11:14 for lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.
Proverbs 11:25 a generous person will prosper; one who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Watching the children eat, especially the little ones in the nursery is difficult. A teacher hits them with a wooden stick until they eat all their food. I feel conflicted.


I brought water color pencils to school today. These children are really talented and so sweet.










Rocio called me Satan today. After being called impatient and aggressive last week. I need to SHUT UP.
8pm I just ate a great meal. Dahl and sizzling veggies and a fruit drink. I'm stuffed. No water again tonight, another bucket shower.
I actually had to wash my clothes in a plastic shopping bag today. Everything is so complicated and long. PATIENCE is a virtue.
9:30pm Pam from Ping, gave me hope today or yesterday after my panic attack, I need to email her.
I killed a moth for Rocio who freaks out about them and it was lying on the floor. She yelled "kill it more!" How do you kill something that is already dead? This heat is making us loosey goosey.
I have a blister on the bottom of my big toe which sucks because I have to walk about 10 blocks total tomorrow which isn't long but on these sidewalks its rough terrain. Jesus - please heal me. Thank you Holy Spirit.

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hmmmm...I'm a Southern Belle from Alabama, USA. Moved around alot and ended up on the other side of the world in India. My heart is blooming each moment in time. I feel God's love more with each breath. I sweetly surrender to my love. If you are interested in any of my paintings, drawings or photos, please let me know. I have a paypal account.

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