It takes Honor and Courage to live a Life worthy of Freedom. Freedom awards us Grace and Mercy at all times. We have the Power to Succeed and Attract everything we Seek. Life affords us the opportunity to be Inspired to our Greatest Potential. This is my Code of Honor. This is my Truth. This is my Life…and so this is my Courage each day…Free to be

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A rainy day

Raining hard this morning. The latest I've slept in at 6:30am. We met our neighbor across the hall and had breakfast together. (BTW, breakfast at the Y consist of 3 pieces of white bread, a hard boiled egg with no salt or pepper, a green banana, a dab of butter and jam with Chai tea)I gave our new friend one of my paintings.
I went out to find a laxative, finally found it so I'll spend the afternoon at the Y and paint until it kicks in.
2pm. 2 paintings later



and I'm still constipated. I don't want to take any more laxatives or I'll be sorry. I'm lying down and all I hear are the car horns and black birds. I just re-read everything I wrote and I see how my thoughts jump around.
5:20pm the tubes are open and movement is happening. The only problem is we don't have running water at the moment so I'm using the squat toilet and flushing it with bottled water. I can't say it is a pleasant experience at all.
We went out to eat at KFC since it was close by and I almost shit in my undies. I had to run to the Y. Later I fell asleep around 8:30pm. I had two episodes where I was choking in my sleep and Rocio was trying to help me but I was totally out of it and those fricken dogs were at it again at least 6 or 7 times. I woke up at 11pm and didn't make it to the bathroom in time and to top it off, while diarrhea was flowing out of me I threw up so I had to clean up the bathroom and my pj's. I was freezing and every muscle in my body ached. I wanted to disappear from my life.

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hmmmm...I'm a Southern Belle from Alabama, USA. Moved around alot and ended up on the other side of the world in India. My heart is blooming each moment in time. I feel God's love more with each breath. I sweetly surrender to my love. If you are interested in any of my paintings, drawings or photos, please let me know. I have a paypal account.

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